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Wallet Endpoints (api/Wallet)

General Definitions

Parameter Description

Sandbox -


apiversion 1.0
apikey API key For authentication


Get Wallet Information


curl --location --request GET '{baseurl}/Wallet/Info?contact={username/emailid/mobilenumber}&currencyCode={currencyCode}' \
--header 'Accept: text/plain; x-api-version=1.0' \
--header 'x-api-version: {apiversion}' \
--header 'x-api-key: {apikey}'
Parameter Description
contact enter the user's mobile number, username, or email  for searching
currencyCode the currency code of the wallet to search for - leave blank to fetch the user's default wallet.

Response (200)

    "id": <accountId>,
    "contactId": <contactId>,
    "contact": <owners Name>,
    "currencyCode": <currency code>,
    "symbol": <currency symbol>,
    "name": <wallet name>,
    "profilePicture": <owners picture>,
    "isDefault": <is the owners default wallet>,
    "isMerchant": <is the owners have merchant wallet>