How to use Float in Agent Wallet?
Sign in to the app using your credentials, then tap on the wallet icon at the bottom to switch between different wallet types.
Tap on the "Agent Wallet" button located on the left to switch from your current savings wallet to the agent wallet.
Tap on the ellipsis icon to explore additional features of the app.
Tap on "Float" to top up your agent wallet with the physical money you have on hand.
To add funds to the agent wallet, input the desired amount in the designated field and tap on the "Top Up" button.
After initiating the top-up, you'll be directed to your agent wallet screen. There, you'll find the float top-up transaction listed in the recent transactions history. You can approve the transaction to add the physical money to your agent wallet or decline to cancel the process.
Upon approval, the agent wallet will be successfully topped up with the approved amount from the transaction.
To initiate a withdrawal, tap on the "More" ellipsis button, select "Float," and then click on the "Withdrawal" tab to navigate to the withdrawal section.
Next, input the desired amount into the designated field, and proceed by clicking on the "Withdrawal" button to complete the withdrawal process.
Upon initiating the withdrawal, you'll be directed to the agent wallet screen where a pending transaction will appear in your transaction history. To proceed, click "Approve" to confirm the transaction, or click "Decline" to discard it.
Upon approval, the specified amount will be deducted from the agent wallet, completing the withdrawal transaction utilizing the float.