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How to Complete KYC?


  • Login to your account and access settings by clicking on your account's initial in the upper right corner.

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  • Navigate to the KYC tab in the navigation bar and click on "New Document" to initiate the KYC process.

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  • Choose the option that best suits your needs and proceed by clicking on "Next."

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  • Choose the desired document to proceed, then click "Next." To make changes, click on the back arrow Screenshot 2024-01-21 141531.png icon to modify your selection.

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  • Click on the upload Screenshot 2024-01-21 141854.png button to choose the file for upload or click on the Screenshot 2024-01-21 142125.png to remove the selected file. Once selected, click the "Submit" button to finalize the KYC process.

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  • After completion, the KYC process will be in progress, and the back office will verify the uploaded documents.

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  • Click on the ellipsis button Screenshot 2024-01-21 142542.png to preview the uploaded file or to delete the uploaded file.

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  • Once the status changes to Screenshot 2024-01-21 142929.png in KYC, it will be assigned a level along with a valid until date. The user can now proceed to send a request to become a merchant.

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