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How to use Float in Agent Wallet?

  • Sign in to your account with your credentials, then access the agent wallets section by clicking on the hamburger menu.

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  • Navigate to the "More" option and choose "Float".

  • Select the "Top up" option to add funds to your agent wallet from your user wallet.

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  • Next, input the desired amount into the designated text field.

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  • Click on the Top-up button to add the entered money to your agent wallet.

  • You'll then return to the agent wallet screen where the latest transaction request will be displayed. Click the check mark to confirm the transaction or select the cross to discard it.

  • Upon approval, the funds will be deposited into your agent's wallet.

  • To initiate a withdrawal, access the "More" menu and return to the float screen. Then, select the withdrawal option by clicking on the corresponding radio button.

  • Next, input the desired amount into the designated field and proceed by clicking on the "Withdrawal" button.

  • To approve the transaction, click on the checkmark icon. If you wish to discard the transaction, click on the cross icon.

  • After approval, the funds will be withdrawn from the agent wallet and transferred to the user wallet.